Instructions for getting started with the Aquifer NetSuite connector. Aquifer interacts with NetSuite using two APIs, the RESTful API that was introduced a few years ago and the SOAP API which has been around since the early 2000s. In these guide, you will be setting up access for Aquifer for both of these APIs. If you do not need to support files and other certain operations, you may only need to set up the REST API, please ask Aquifer support which APIs you require.
- Used to read and write most NetSuite data.
- Aquifer authenticates with NetSuite REST API using the industry standard OAuth 2.0. In these instructions, you will enable OAuth 2.0 in your NetSuite account, add Aquifer as an integration, and setup the credentials needed for Aquifer to connect.
- Primarily used to read and write file attachments, which are not supported by the REST API.
- Also used for attaching contacts, which is not supported by the REST API.
- Used for some objects that have issues being read or written to by the REST API.
- Uses NetSuite’s custom Token Based Authentication (TBA)
- Enable OAuth 2.0 in your NetSuite account -
- You may have already completed this step for another integration in the past, if so, it can be skipped.
- Note Aquifer does not require the Client SuiteScript or Server SuiteScript to be selected.
- Create an Integration record -
- Uncheck everything in the section “Token-based Authentication”
- Under the “OAuth 2.0” section, the follow options should be checked:
- “Client Credentials (Machine to Machine) Grant”
- “REST Web Services”
- Make sure to record the Client ID, it won’t be displayed again, and you’ll need to enter it into the connector setup form for Aquifer.
- Setup Client Credentials -
- For the Entity, choose a user with Administrative access or one that has been created specifically for Aquifer.
- For the Role, choose Administrator or a role that has been created specifically for Aquifer.
- For Application, choose Aquifer, this was made in the previous step.
- For Certificate, upload the public key file Aquifer provided you.
- Make sure to record the Certificate ID, you’ll need to enter it into the connector setup form for Aquifer.
- Make sure Token Based Authentication (TBA) is enabled -
- Create an Integration record, perhaps calling this "Aquifer Files” -
- On the Authentication tab
- Check "Token-based Authentication (TBA)”
- Uncheck "User Credentials" if it is checked
- After saving, it should display the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. If it doesn't, they can be regenerated -
- Create an Access Token -
- Select the Application from the previous step, along with a User and Role
- After you click save, record the Token ID and Token Secret
Aquifer Connection Setup
- From the Aquifer UI, click “Connect”
- Look for NetSuite and click “Connect”
- A step-by-step wizard will be presented
- Give the connection a name, typically “netsuite” but if you have multiple accounts it could be “netsuite_somesubsidiary”
- Fill out the connection form
- Account ID - You can find that in your NetSuite web URL -
- Client ID - This is from the second step from the REST API setup.
- Certificate ID - This is from the third step from the REST API setup.
- Consumer Key - This is from the second step from the SOAP API setup.
- Consumer Secret - This is from the second step from the SOAP API setup.
- Token ID - This is from the third step from the SOAP API setup.
- Token Secret - This is from the third step from the SOAP API setup.
- Click “Finish”